Get involved with Raglan Museum by becoming a member of the Raglan & District Museum Society Inc.
- Membership of the Raglan Museum Society gives you voting rights at general meetings and supports preserving the history of Raglan Whaingaroa.
- Financial members of Raglan Museum Society get free entry to the museum. Family members get free membership for 2 adults living at the same address and for their school-age children.
The annual membership fee is $15 for an individual and $20 for a family.
The Raglan & District Museum Society Inc. is a registered New Zealand Charity.
Apply now
To apply for membership, simply complete this online form or print out the application form and post to Raglan & District Museum Society Inc, 15 Wainui Road, Raglan 3225.
Thank you – your membership will be confirmed at the next meeting of the museum committee.
Individual $15
Family $20
Payment can be made via direct credit to our bank account.
Bank Account Details:
Raglan & District Museum Society Inc.
Westpac Bank
Bank Account Number: 03 1563 0028458 00
Internet banking: include your name and NEW MEMBER as references.