154 Soldiers enlisted for active service in World War 1 from Raglan and District. The Raglan Museum is seeking photographs of 51 soldiers to complete our memorial board. The names are listed below. If you can help please share the image on this post, or email 

AWHITU, Terry 19522

CATERER, Alfred 79891

COGSWELL, Albert Edward 20/9

COLE, James Henry 29361

COWLEY, James 3/3855

DOUGLAS, Frank Samuel 7/836

DOUGLAS, Walter James 43000

DRUWE, Jerome 22951

EDWARDS, David (Rawiri) 19929

FLEMING, H (10/3550? Or 13/2186?)

FORRESTER, William Frederick 2/742

FULLER, William Norman Kempton 6/1537

GARMONSWAY, Charles Vincent 56581

GARRETT, Richard George Victor 70602

GIBSON, Francis Augustus 64054

GILMORE, David 54866

GOWER, Alfred Charles 13/1032

GREEN, Trevor Vincent 13/2197

HACON, Arthur Copeman 2/2947

HEDGE, Charles Henry 13/1041

HUESTON, John Robert 13/3037

KARAKA, Thomas 19442

MAUPAKANGA, Tehuaki 60843

MCDONALD, Charles Edward 13/2222

McDOUGALL, Archibald 3/853

McKINLEY, Frank 13705

MIDDLEMISS, William Peter 12/3727

MOON, Kenneth Aubrey 58396

MORTIMER, Richard 32031

PAIN, Reginald John 1/743

PEARSON, Hector 13/939

PELHAM, Sydney 3/520

PEREKA, John Haru 16/372

PETRIE, Mark De Renzy 32056

POTTS, David Carnegie 26909

PRETTY, Esau 3/3367

RATHE, David 23044

RINTOUL, Alexander Stewart 4/435

RINTOUL, James Jarvie Lindsay 42196

ROBINSON, Ernest Leslie 13/433

ROSCOE, Edgar 19/236

SALISBURY, Howard Edward 91450

SCHAEFFER, Albert Charles 23/903

SIGVERTSON, Charles Andrew 13/955

SNODGRASS, Jack Robert 78215


SUTTON, Stephen Frank 3/2041

VERCOE, Francis Arthur 37523

WANIHI, Piniha 60876

WAPP, Ernest Harry 42249

WHEELER, Arthur Octavius 75134


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