Raglan Remembers World War One

The Exhibition opening outside the museum, 15 Wainui Road, Raglan is at 10.00am on Saturday 18th April 2015

Raglan soldiers in Egypt (Raglan Museum Collection- Gibbison Family)

Raglan soldiers in Egypt (Raglan Museum Collection- Gibbison Family)

The Raglan Museum World War 1 exhibition is about the soldiers who left from the district for the battlefields of Egypt, Gallipoli, Palestine and France. The story is told through film, photographs, artefacts and text. Interviews of descendants reading letters and battle field diaries are included.

A large photo remembrance wall and a touchscreen presentation identifies 154 soldiers  with a  Raglan connection. The exhibition has been enthusiastically developed by volunteers. Many of the community have participated freely offering their family keepsakes for display. The list of soldier names grew from a first assessment of 80. The soldier images from around 20 to nearly one hundred.

The Exhibition opening ceremony will include a bagpipe call to the gathering, a welcome followed by a karanga and a blessing of the exhibition by the local kaumatua and celebrants. Prayers will be offered for the remembrance of those who have passed serving our country. The exhibition will be declared open by the Mayor of Waikato District, Mr Allan Sanson. Morning tea will be served in an adjacent facility.

The Exhibition opening outside the museum, 15 Wainui Road, Raglan is at 10.00am on Saturday 18th April 2015

1 Comment on "Raglan Remembers World War One"

  1. Debbie Palleson | May 13, 2015 at 7:21 pm | Reply

    The photo above of the men from WW1 in Egypt has caught my eye. Sadly Ernest did not come home but instead was buried in Egypt. You see my great uncle, whose name was Ernest Desmond Rimoldi, could be in that photo. I believe at one time his father lived in Raglan, probably before 1900, father’s name was Luigi Rimoldi.

    I hope you can enlarge on what I have mentioned. Thank you.

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