First surf boards on display

First of the 1960s longboards from the Bob Comer Collection

First of the 1960s longboards from the Bob Comer Collection

Our volunteers have been working on the surfing exhibition. This work includes putting the Bob Comer collection of 1960s surf boards on display on the purpose built display wall. And we can report that the first of the boards are now on display. We’ll be adding to the display progressively and adding some information on the boards.

Roger Land logo on long board

Roger Land logo on long board

One of the long boards is an original from shaper Roger Land who operated Land Custom Surfboards in Hamilton in the 1960s.The product was a excellent one. Formally Rodger Land Custom Surfboards, it was purchased by Kevin Brightwell in 1965 who changed the name to Land. Production ceased in 1966.

6 Comments on "First surf boards on display"

  1. I think I have said it all.
    Roger Land Point board single stringer 10.7ft very fast I bought in 1962- whats it worth

    • Raglan Museum | March 17, 2013 at 5:45 pm | Reply

      Sorry, we can’t help you with valuation. All the surfboards in our collection were donated, so we’re not actually familiar with prices for vintage surfboards.

  2. I used to be an agent for Roger land surfboards. Can you tell if he is still around

  3. Congratulations on establishing the surfing museum.
    I was hired by Kevin Brightwell in 1965 to ride and shape his boards. This brings back a lot of memories of living on Raglan Point and great surfing days,
    Alex Paine

  4. Hay Alex i picked up a 9.4 log awhile back, some one had cut the logo out. But I could make out some of it. It said Kevin land custom surfboards Auckland, Kevin was in small print while land was in bigger letters. It’s got a green resin tint bottom, two stringers , the fin has a pattern glass in to it, big D fin, do you remember one like that.I ride it all the time it’s a cool board, fast and turns good holds the line.

  5. Nice to see my boards on display. Chris Wells I’m still around @ 83.

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